Spatial Perturbation


We generated small spatial perturbations by smoothing two i.i.d random noise images (for the x and y components of the perturbation) with a Gaussian filter. We limit the maximum perturbation in each direction to a defined value (we used a maximum 0.5 and 1 pixels). We then used those as displacement fields to warp the original watermark and alpha matte (using bilinear interpolation).

Here is an example of a generated perturbation field and its affect on a watermark:

Generated subtle perturbation field Deformation color coding
(max saturation = 1px)


The perturbation field applied to the watermark: (hover the mouse over the links to change the display)

No perturbation (original watermark) 0.5px (max) perturbation 1px (max) perturbation


The original and subtly-deformed watermarks above embedded in an image: (hover the mouse over the links to change the display)

No perturbation (original watermark) 0.5px (max) perturbation 1px (max) perturbation